So far in my journey in the New Media certificate, I have pushed myself in many ways. I have learned things that I never thought I would and I have developed skills that are will take with me into the future. I never thought I would be able to code or make a website until now. Every time I thought I would be doing something that felt difficult just by getting through the process I would become so much more knowledgeable and understanding of how to code and work with websites. I had to become creative in ways I had not and now I feel like I have added new skills and ways of thinking to my own life. I am curious and excited to learn more and create more projects in the future in the NMI and to take those skills with me into my future.

Course Summary for New Media Production:

This course has pushed my boundaries in more ways than one. I feel so grateful and happy to have been able to learn how to code and work WordPress. The journey of working step by step in free code camp and learning through John has allowed me to get to where I am. Dedication and practice is important life skill and this class challenges you in both. You learn to organize and think in a different manner as you work the web and what sits behind it in code. It is fascinating and yet great how much we were able to learn in such a short span of time. I wish to keep making projects, learning more about WordPress, and more ways of coding as I continue with this certificate. I believe that the impact that this class has made is bigger than I ever thought prior to completing it!

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